233 competitions documented 472 competitions listed
6 086 projects 62 535 documents
Public building | Building | Town hall

Mississauga City Hall / Hôtel de ville de Mississauga

Stage 1
Jones & Kirkland Architects (Winner)
Barton Myers Associates Architects/Planners (Second Prize)
The Thom Partenership and Harvey Cowan Architect (Third Prize)
Michael Brisson Architect (Fourth Prize)
A.J. Diamond Associates Architects and Planners (Mention)
The Davies/Leggett Partnership Architects (Mention)
R.E. Barnett Architect (Mention)
Brian Allsopp Architect
B. Ashok
Zul Boga Architect Limited
Brown and Storey Architects
Phillip H. Carter Architect
Terence Cecil, Architect
Howard D. Chapman - Howard V. Walker - Anthony C. Campfens
Gordon Cheney Architect
Clarke Darling Downey Architects
Clifford Lawrie Bolton Ritchie Architects
Barry R. Cline Architect Planner and Sievenpiper Architect Planner
Burgener Gallant Lachapelle Architects
Donald Clinton Architect
Carmen Corneil / Architect
John Cowle Architect
John Cowle Architect
Crang and Boake, Architect
Crang and Boake, Architects
Simon Davis Architect
Deacon Arnett Murray and Rankin Architects
Peter Dobbing Architect
Tom Dubicanac
John Emery Chamberlin Architect Limited
Avelino Hipolito Dulatas, Architect
Dunker Associates
Dunlop Farrow Aitken Architects Engineers
Jackson Eildelberg, Architect
John J. Farrugia
Peter Ferguson Architect
Robert Frew
Zenbei Furuya
Robert Glover Architect
The Gorley / Tse Partnerships Architects
David W. Chan
M. Greenberg & Associate Architect
Jerome P. Gural Architect
Noel Hancock Architect
Kent W. Harvey Architect
Saul Herzog Architect
John Hix Architects
Barbara Hopewell
Takvor Hopyan, Architect
Paul Johnston Architect
Paul D. Jurecka Architect
Jerzy Chwialkowski Architect Limited
William Kachmaryk , Architect
Kirshenblatt Korman Architects
Keinfeldt / Mychajlowycs Architects
Michael M. Kopsa Architect
Antti Kotilainen Architect Planners
Ladislav Kratky Architect
Tat-Ying Lau
A. G. Lazzeri
John Leaning Architect
Lebensold Affleck Nichol Hughes Khosla
Cohos, Evamy & Partners
Martin W. Liefhebber Architect
Brian D. Luey, Architect
Dharam Malik Architects & Planners
Stephen Mann, Architect
Rocco Maragna
I. A. Marinoff - Architect
Martin Associates
Martineau & Haar, Architects
Robert McKinnon Architect
Joseph A. Medwecki
J.H. Cook Architects & Engineers
The Moffat Kinoshita Partnership
James Murray and Murray Marshall
Murray & Murray, Griffiths & Rankin, Architects
Murray & Murray, Griffiths, Rankin & Hershfield Architects
Neish Owen Rowland & Roy Architects Engineers
Laszlo Nemeth Associates - Architects
Nightingale Quigley Markrimichalos Architects - Planners
Zygmunt J. Nowak, Architect
Robert Osler, Architect
Carlos A. Ott
Gene Dub Architect Limited
Page & Steele, Architects
Suu-dda K. S. Patkar
Pellow Architect
Piccaluga Architect
Rash & Au, Architects
Paul Reuber, Architect
Robbie Architects Planners
Robinson and Henrichs Architects
Ovidio Sbrissa, Architect
Matthias Schlaepfer
Gene Dub Architect Limited
Fred Schriever and Robin Hamilton Fyfe
Shore Tilbe Henschel Irwin Peters Architects, Engineers
Donald E. Skinner, Architect
Lippert Zvidris Associates
Lippert Zvidris Associates
Lithwick Johnston and Moy Architects
Sol-Arch, Designers and Builders
Peter Soldera and Alar Kongats
Stafford Haensli Architects
Stark Temporale + Hicks Architects + Planners
James A. Dykes Architect
Richard L. Stevens Architect
Gilbert Sutton, Architect
Edward Tabachnik, Architect
Peter H. M. Tovell
Julian J. Trasiewicz, Architect
Takashi Tsuji
Tung Architect
Turczyn and Hobbs Architects Planner
Asen Vitko Architect
Ferdinand Wagner Architect
Anthony K. Eng Architect Limited
The Webb Zerafa Menkes Housden Partnership
Maria Wojtowicz, Architect
Leonard Alfred Wood, Architect
Steven Fei Hung Yip
Yip + Risdale Architects
Young + Wright Architects
Zeidler Roberts Partnership/Architects
Serge Zerafa
Zone Guthrie and Associates, Architects
Clément Bastien
Martin Evans
Pierre Beaupré
Claude Bélanger, Architecte
Guy Bertomeu
Gilles Bilodeau
Bobrow & Fieldman, Architects
Suzanne Brais, Architect
Yves Brault Architecte
Henri Brillon
Brian Elsden Burrows, Architect
Glenn Allan Bydwell
Gordon Mangold Hamilton Architects
Maggy Cohen, Architect
Guy Demers
Dubois Favreau Magne Architects
Faucher et Gagnon, Architects
Ramesh Gulatee
Sungur Incesulu
Jean Jobin Architecte
Mario Kalemkerian
Fazal Khan
Marc Laurendeau
Robert K. Hirano Architect Limited
Jean Marcil, Architecte
Miljevic, Miljevic, Architectes
Frederic M. Olin
Victor Prus, Architect
Stahl & Nicolaidis Architects
Maciej Szymanski
Tétreault, Parent, Languedoc et Associés
Brian J. Rogers, Architect
Peter D. Rose Architectural Services Ltd.
Gilles Ste-Croix, Architecte
Jaroslav Kalivoda
Ttsontakis, Bronet, Daemen, Architects
Eduardo Zarate, Architect
BLM Architects Limited
Allan Duddridge Architect Limited
Michael H. K. Wong Architects and Planners
William Dunn, Architect
Kelman / McQuire / Associates
Julius S. Lukasiewicz Architect
David Molyneux Architect
Arthur Muscovitch Architect
The Sturgess Partenership Architects & Urban Designers
Shantanu Mitra Architect
Shantanu Mitra Architect
David Molyneux Architect
Ting Pong Wong Architect
Aitken Smith Carter Partners
Michael D. Barley Architect
Chris Blencowe Architects
Elie Bohjalian and Vlad Vit
Kristof J. Borowski Architect Planner
Peter Cardew Architects
The Chandler Kennedy Architectural Group
Ernest Collins Architect
Cornerstone Architects
James Fensom-Architecture
Grant&Sinclair Architects
Hale Ramsey Currie / Group One Architects
Bingki Hou Architect
Architect R.E. Hulbert and Partners
Indacon Architectural Group
Roger Kemble Architects
Killick Metz Bowen Rose Architects/Planners
Stanley Kwok
Tom Laszlo
Alfred Lau-Andrew Lee-Michael Miller
Kenneth Lee Architect
Nancy Mackin and Walter Francl-Uchatius
Alan Maples-Terrence Mott-Andrew Fox
Douglas Lea Matthews Architect
McGarva/Baker/Grant Architects
Morton Associates-Architects
Derek Neale & Associates, Architects
Barry Nixon Architect
John O'Donnell Architect
Oberto Oberti Architect and Urban Designer
David Parsey Architect
John Perkins Architects
Phillips Barratt, Architects & Engineers
Herwig Pimiskern
RKR Group
RKR Group
Paul Rust Architects
Mark Thornton Sharp Architect
J. Kerrigan Sproule / Architecture : Urban Design
Thompson Berwick Pratt & Partners Architects & Planners
Toby Russeell Buckwell & Partners Architects
Waisman Dewar Grout Architects and Planners
Daniel Evans White Architect
Joe E.K. Yamauchi Architect
Claude P. deForest and Stan H. Osaka
Giovanni Geremia
Haid Jesson Associates Architects Planners
Stechesen Katz Architects
Frank Stockl
Archibald & Janes Architects
Peter G. Klynstra Architect
Steven Ries, Architect
Adam & Chui, Architects
Adamson Associates Architects, Planners
Lloyd Alter Architect
Lloyd Alter Architect
G.A. Asad + Associates Architect
Bebris Associates
Beddall Shukla Partenership Architects
Colin Bent Architect
James L. Berry Architect
Nassy Bilkovski Architect
Joseph Bogdan Associates
Irving D. Boigon Architect
Booth/Kangas Architects
Bregman + Hamann Architects and Engineers
K. Briestensky Architect
Brian Brisbin/Brook-Carruthers-Shaw, Architects
Thomas E. Brown Architect
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