231 competitions documented 470 competitions listed
6 059 projects 62 142 documents

The Canadian Competitions Catalogue is the digital library of projects pertaining to architecture, design, urban planning, and landscape architecture conceived in the framework of a competition in Canada.

The CCC’s website broadcasts part of the information assembled in the document database, designed and updated by researchers from Université de Montréal’s Research Chair on Competitions and Contemporary Practices in Architecture.

The Canadian Competitions Catalogue is continuously being updated, and aims to document competitions organized in and for Canada, since 1945. The quantity and quality of documents is variable from one competition to another (see percent documented heading). Please note that all documents contained in the database are not accessible via the CCC’s public interface (see list of accessible documents heading).


Search by keyword, individual’s name or year in order to yield information pertaining to competitions or projects in the search engine.

Please note that the search engine yields results containing full words and character strings within words. A minimum of 4 characters must however be entered.

The search function yields information in the database pertaining as much to competitions as to individual competition proposals. For example, searching for an individual through his/her name, would pull up all the competitions in which the individual has participated; be it as a designer, member of the jury, or organizer. Furthermore, this search would also yield all the projects that this individual has submitted as a designer in the context of a Canadian competition.

Results can then be displayed in chronological or alphabetical order, or according to the province or level of documentation.

Tables function according to two display methods: by list or by thumbnail (see standardized icons above each table).

Search in the ‘Maps + Statistics’ tab

By default, the map displays all inventoried competitions, however, for competitions whose level of documentation is less than 50%, geolocation data may remain approximate.

Results can be filtered by city, by Canadian province, or by choosing either ‘other location’ or ‘siteless competition’ for ideas competitions, or ‘competition outside Canada’ for competitions organized by Canadian institutions outside Canadian borders (ex. Canadian Embassy in Berlin).

Results can then be displayed in chronological or alphabetical order, or according to the province or level of documentation.

Tables function according to two display methods: by list or by mosaic (see standardized icons above each table.

Percent Documented


The percentage of documentation of competitions has been determined according to the following criteria:

0% The competition has not been documented. The given information is fragmentary

25% The competition is poorly documented. The launch year is, however, reliable information

50% The competition is moderately documented

75% The competition is rather well documented. This percentage concerns the great majority of ‘documented’ competitions

100% The competition is almost entirely documented (including the preliminary design documents of projects)

Projects :

25% is allocated for each of the following items:

- Presentation panels

- Preliminary design documents

- The project summary and jury’s comments

- The Project team

List of general and/or accessible documents

The ‘list of accessible documents’ related to the pages of a ‘project’ is not to be confused with the ‘list of general documents’, available in the database but not always accessible to the general public.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.