233 competitions documented 472 competitions listed
6 086 projects 62 535 documents
Architecture for culture, research, sport or leisure | Building | Exhibition buildings

Pavillon du gouvernement canadien pour l'Exposition universelle d'Osaka 1970 / Canadian Government Pavilion Japan World Exposition Osaka 1970

Stage 1
Stage 2
Erickson / Massey (Winner)
Affleck, Desbarats, Dimakopoulos, Lebensold, Sise
Marcel Gagné & Leonard Warshaw
John Gallop
Gardiner, Thornton, Davidson, Garrett, Masson et Associés
Ian Martin
Craig and Kohler
Barry V. Downs
Graham, Lorimier, Langmead
Marshall & Merrett; Stahl, Elliott & Mill
Barry Padolsky
St. Gelais Tremblay Tremblay Labbé
Melvin Charney
Roger d'Astou
Carmen Corneil
Gordon S. Adamson & Associates
Douglas Allen & Thomas E. Brown
Arthur Beitel
Allen Bernholtz
Joseph Brunon
Chadwick Pope & Edge
Cohos-Delesalle & Associates
Roger Couture
Harvey Cowan
David & Boulva
David A. De Belle
Franklyn Glazier
David McLaren Kehoe
Daniel Li & Anthony A. Kennedy
David K. Linden
Donald A. McCoy & Geoffrey E. Hacker
Gunars Milics
C. Blakeway Millar
Alexander O. H. Munzel
Murray & Murray
Costas S. Nicolaidis
Page & Steele
Charles T. Paine
Papineau / Gérin-Lajoie / Le Blanc
Poulin, Ayotte, Simard, Drouin
Rhone & Iredale
Norbert Schoenauer
Shore & Moffat and Partners
Oscar G. Vagi
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