Stage 1
Les Architectes Blouin Faucher Aubertin Brodeur Gauthier (FABG)
Marosi, Troy, architectes / Jodoin Lamarre Pratte et associés, architectes (JLP)
Durand, Bergeron, architectes / Allaire, Bergeron, Courchesne, Perras, Gagné, Moreau, architectes (ABCP arch.-urb.)
Cormier, Cohen, Davies, architectes (Atelier Big City) / Desnoyers, Mercure et associés, architectes
Les Architectes Blouin Faucher Aubertin Brodeur Gauthier (FABG)
225, boulevard l'Ange Gardien L’Assomption, Quebec, Canada
One stage
Surface area (m2 )
1953 m2
Initial project cost
3,500,000 $
La Corporation Hector-Charland, représentée par Alain Bergmans
Professional advisor
Pierre Beaupré
Jury president
Claude De Grandpré , Artiste
Doc. level
The competition organized for Salle de spectacles de l'Assomption was an initiative and collaboration between the Hector-Charland Corporation and the Québec Ministry of Culture and Communications - faithful to its policy and support of locating cultural facilities that encourage activity and economic repercussions within the various regions of Québec. Acknowledging the destituteness of its facilities, the Collège de l'Assomption decided in 1987 to conduct a fund-raising campaign and one year later form the Hector-Charland Corporation in order to provide the municipality with facilities corresponding to its rich theatrical traditions. The construction of a 650-seat performing arts venue, of 1,815m2, was a vital element of a greater project to revitalize the city centre and promote educational, communal, cultural and artistic activities within l'Assomption – a culturally significant municipality located in the Lanaudière region.
The key issue of this competition was to establish a link between the versatility and flexibility of infrastructures in harmony with the existing architectural heritage and at once dialogue with the Collège de l'Assomption – an institutional building dominating the surrounding landscape. The competition's jury identified the following important selection criteria; urban integration, revitalization potential, the quality of exterior public space and architectural envelope, accessibility and respect of budgetary constraints.
The Call for Candidates stipulated that, with equal competency, a regional architectural firm would be selected over firms based elsewhere in Québec. Thus for this competition, several firms exterior to the Lanaudière region associated with local firms in order to maximize their chances of winning.
(Consult the competitors' projects for specific comments from the jury)
Les Architectes Blouin Faucher Aubertin Brodeur Gauthier (FABG)
Marosi, Troy, architectes / Jodoin Lamarre Pratte et associés, architectes (JLP)
Durand, Bergeron, architectes / Allaire, Bergeron, Courchesne, Perras, Gagné, Moreau, architectes (ABCP arch.-urb.)
Cormier, Cohen, Davies, architectes (Atelier Big City) / Desnoyers, Mercure et associés, architectes
Jury president
Claude De Grandpré , Artiste
Jury Anne Carrier , Architecte
Claude De Grandpré , Artiste
Martin Drainville , Comédien
Sylvain Gagné
Alain Plouffe , Administrateur
Claude Provencher , Architecte
Monique Rompré , Conseillère Municipale
Pierre Thibault , Architecte
Technical Commitee Michel Aubé
Patrick Berger
Jean-Charles Drapeau
August 20, 1996: Call for candidates sent to the OAQ for distribution to its members by August 30.
August 29, 1996: Jury selection completed
September 25, 1996: Selection of candidates
October 7, 1996: start of the competition proper - competitors familiarize themselves with the program
November 22, 1996: submission of competitors' proposals
November 25-27, 1996: analysis by the technical committee
November 29, 1996: Jury and selection of winner
March 12-15, 1997: Exhibition of projects at l'Assomption
(Unofficial automated translation)
Articles de presse :
La Presse 04-10-95
La Presse 25-01-97
La Presse 17-10-97
Le Devoir 20-01-97
Le Devoir 08-02-97
Le Devoir 23-10-99
L'artisan 21-01-97
L'artisan 04-03-97
L'Écrivain public 23-01-97
L'Écrivain public 06-03-97
L'Expression de Lanaudière 02-02-97
L'Hebdo rive Nord 23-02-97
L'Hebdo rive Nord 16-03-97
L'Hebdo rive Nord 02-03-97
L'Artefact volume V, numéro 5
Bulletin municipal - l'Assomption magazine 03-97
Le bulletin du personnel 03-97
Revues spécialisées :
ARQ #99, octobre 1997
ARQ , août 1999
Esquisses (le bulletin d'information de l'Ordre des architectes du Québec) mars 1997
Fiche technique Article de revue spécialisée Règlement Liste de coordonnées Règlement Programme Questions et réponses Liste des membres du jury Budget Appel de candidatures Compte rendu de réunion Compte rendu de réunion Lettre Communiqué de presse Lettre Lettre Article de presse Lettre