233 competitions documented 472 competitions listed
6 086 projects 62 535 documents
Domestic architecture | Building | Housing

Missing Middle Infill Design Competition / Concours d'aménagement de la zone intermédiaire Missing Middle

Stage 1
Part & Parcel, Studio North, Gravity Architecture (First Prize)
Leckie Studio Architecture + Design Inc. (Second Prize)
RedBrick Group of Companies et SPECTACLE (Third Prize)
Primavera Development Group Inc., RPK Architects Ltd., McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd., et Synergy Projects Ltd. (Honourable mention)
Postmark Development Co., Holo Blok Architecture Inc., Ground3 Inc., Design Works Engineering & Inspections Ltd., et Rahmaan Hameed Studios Inc (People's Choice Award)
TransGlobe Holdings Ltd. et BIOS Architecture Corp.
Veneto Homes, Planworks Architecture, et Donna Brown Landscapes
VNC Homes Ltd. et Kelvin Hamilton Architecture Inc.
CDR/Alair Homes Edmonton, Norbom Architect Ltd., Planterra Landscapes, TWS Engineering Ltd., Pals Surveys & Geomatics Corp., et Enviromatics Group
Todd Brooks
MIZA Architects Inc.
Davignon Martin Architecture + Interior Design
Abbey Lane Inc. et Barry Johns
Maclab Development Group et Next Architecture
Mark Woytiuk et Armen Mamourian
Tamon Architecture Inc.
Mick Graham (Singletree Builders), SAS Architecture Ltd. 1080 Architecture, Planning and Interiors, Rockel Designs, Kira Homeak, Meagan Florizone et Jessica Gibson
Brad Kennedy, Joao de Deus, Janick Biron, Shea Gibson, et Jonathan Lawrence
Mick Graham (Singletree Builders), SAS Architecture Ltd. 1080 Architecture, Planning and Interiors, Rockel Designs, Kira Homeak, Meagan Florizone et Jessica Gibson
Dan Rusler
Bolt Offsite Ltd., Jayson Hood, Fedir Trokhymenko, et Jordan Konopasky
JAG Form, Jon Astolfi, Mark Porter, et Marlon Joseph
Ed Gooch (EFG Architects Inc.), Kevin Eidick et Ryan Eidick
DIALOG et Equity Residential
Michael Wieczorek, Marc Boutin, et Yves Poitras
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.