231 competitions documented 470 competitions listed
6 073 projects 62 242 documents
Planning | Districts | Quarters

Cité internationale de Montréal

Stage 1
Stage 2
Steven K. Peterson (First prize)
Hirochi Hara (Second prize ex aequo)
Martin Liefhebber (Second prize ex aequo)
Michel Périsse (Mention)
Luis Vincente Flores Suarez (Mention)
Roman W. Kucharczyk (Mention)
Colin Stewart (Mention)
Arturo Vasquez (Mention)
David N. Page (Mention)
Andrzej Jastrzebski
Ulisse Sajeva
Jacques Courbon
Emiliano Bernasconi
Norbert Schoenauer
Yves Demers
Roger Kemble
Gueorgui Dinev Gospodinov
Pierre-Yves Guay
Hal F. Lippert
Michael G. C. Ellwood
Christian Soucy
Kunihiko Kohno
David Smith
Anne Cormier
Jean-Pierre LeTourneux
Richard Carbonnier
Louis-Paul Lemieux
Gilles Huot
Fabrice Notari
Paul Lukez
Pere Armadas
Ernesto Zepeda Aranda
Michael Evan
Hans Peter Muhlemann
Gianni Sestieri
Claudio Varriani
Kurt-Hans Lehmann
Bernard Dehertogh
Dr. Andreas Weise
Erich Bramhas
Juan Daniel Fullaondo
Michael F. Thom
Hoorieh Mashayekh Emamzadeh Jafari
Jacques Lacombe
Marc Lacombe
Marcellus Johannes Goené
Mark Armstrong
Alain Verley
Charles Miglierina
Debabi Moh Moncef
Toshihiko Suzuki
Karl S. Chu
Yves Luthi
G. G. Schierie
Per Kleve
Louis Colin
Gong Zejun
Susumu Momma
Pernille Johansen
Ian McIver
Ulo Peil
Jean-Pierre Laborie
Osnat Steinhardt
Alberto Carlos Puig
T. E. Kennedy
Herbert Ilya Meyer
Mark Willett
Katsuhiro Kobayashi
Börkur Bergmann
Berardo Dujovne
Hiroaki Hata
Timothy A. Gawronski
Peter Rankis
Robert S. Livesey
Jorge Alcocer Warnholtz
David Scott Slovic
Raf. Listowski
Daniel Paré
Robert Hollendonner
Oriol Clos
Alexandr Anguelov Alexandrov
Jaroslav Kachlik
William H. Tucker
Janos Szabo
Steven Fong
Ian Macburnie
Kees Christiaanse
Jerome Morley Larson
Michel Gosselin
Horst Roschker
Aleksandar Mirkovic
Fred L. Good
Jean Saligné
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.