This project starts from a paradox, i-e. That paradise is a garden that is not connected to a house because it is a home itself. Based on this assumption, a very contemporary theme emerges, the toss of boundaries and the awareness of belonging to a wide system that, altogether, composes the world. Thus, rather than imagining Eden as a celestial place, it is identified with Nature where man has always lived. Based on this idea, paradise does not look like a rationally designed garden at all; rather it is an environment rich in biodiversity and endowed with self-regenerating powers.
This project depicts a terrestrial image, a paradise for aware people who do not aspire at ascending, do not fear falling, but look for knowledge in peaceful cohabitation.
The Garden is articulated on a deliberately level space divided between inside and outside, where an architecture of living plants will blossom aver time to form a great nest, at the centre of a moss carpet designed by large live prunings.
All around, a tall prairie of high-rise green gramineae will accompany visitors and tower above them; they will be free to roam the garden and cut curvy or linear, single or double
itineraries through it. The only flowers used will be wild lupins together with myosotis species (or sirnilar species chosen amongst the many that grow spontaneously) thickly planted near the central structure, and thinning out towards the outside.
(Competitor's text)
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