Marcus Green Horticultural design
Originally a contemporary dancer, choreographer and teacher I began my career as a garden designer 5 years ago.
I work in my shed with my dog Cosmo. There are distinct similarities with dance and
creating gardens, with the manipulation and exhilaration of exploring 3 dimensions, the physicality of inhabiting a garden and how it feels. The relationship and contrast between hard and soft, the change walking through a garden in the relationship between the plants, and the viewer.
The plants and the viewer become dancers in a choreography. The understanding of energy and dynamism in static shapes, in time and rhythm and how this changes throughout the year. Finally a keen understanding of movement
and of stillness.
There is on going debate in the UK, that gardens based upon an idea are somehow devoid of an appreciation and understanding of plants. I am a conceptual designer and make gardens with plants, I hope if my project were to contribute anything it would be to show that one does not necessarily exist without the other.
(Competitor's text)