To redefine the site of the City of Châteauguay's municipal services, Britz Bastien architects opted for an implantation of the library perpendicular to the street and a very compact form. The building thus becomes the interface between the street and the other activities on the site. The particular volumetry responds to an interior device of appreciation of the landscape in panorama from the reading spaces. A second orthogonal volume hosts the activities supported by the employees as well as the adult collection. The two volumes are linked by a lobby bathed in zenithal light. As did the jury, one can easily question the somewhat rigid facades and the lack of connection with the park. Otherwise, the jury greatly appreciated the ease of movement inside due to a plan directly linked to the volumetry and an interior façade treated as a signage in itself.
(CRC text 2004)
The jury emphasized the rigor of the overall project, particularly in terms of planning and the legibility of the various interior components. On the other hand, the jury questioned the treatment of the facade on the park side, and the link with the Châteauguois context."
(From jury report)
". Likes the form, it is compact
. Good exterior finish, it's "in" .
. It's clever, without being showy
. There is potential (but let him know what he needs to correct)
. Tips for moving the parking lot
. Very clear plan
. Good frontage on Maple
. Could be well integrated
. Lots of potential
. Large parking lot too far away
. Parking could be developed
(From Jury Meeting Minutes, Stage 1)
(Unofficial automated translation)
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- Presentation Panel
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- Perspective
- Perspective
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