"This team has provided the significant and original solution in the treatment of the public square (Agora)."
This arrangement may have some disadvantages due to the climate, but, taking this factor into account, it can be rethought without necessarily losing its quality and character.
Although closely related to the public square, the overall layout of the complex, and the spatial interplay of volumes, is elegant and very flexible.
a) It provides for a progressive realization in the civic center; however, certain subtleties or quirks in the form of the City Hall itself only make sense once the ensemble is completed.
b) All the volumes that make up the complex may vary in form and size according to presently unforeseeable needs.
c) These buildings can be realized by other architects: a minimum of constraints, such as: the development of the ground, the integration of these buildings in the surroundings, allow them a latitude where their personality can assert itself.
The submitted plans were accompanied by a detailed program of the City Hall. This work can be a good starting point in the establishment of a final program and the rational design of the plans in collaboration with the City,
The internal functioning is well organized. The linear part may have the disadvantage of distances. "The interior spaces are well thought out but tend to produce a banal and haughty atmosphere", let's say they have an overly solemn character. This impression can be analyzed differently in the final plan.
The relationship between the earthworks and the interior design produces an interesting effect.
The architectural treatment offers an elegance and dignity that are concordant and harmonious notes in the destination of the building.
Its refined and sensitive aesthetic, however, reflects a certain "Nordic" coolness. "The architecture is conventionally beautiful although it shows a tendency towards trivialities and minutiae."
Considered in all its aspects, the submitted project convinced the jury that this team can produce a worthwhile and meaningful work.
(From jury report)
(Unofficial automated translation)
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