For at least half a century, this park, this site and this building have been the social hub of the neighborhood. Citizens love the Carré d'Hibernia This gathering place must remain. And we believe that their desire for a larger library should not be at the expense of the size of their park - which a planned two-storey extension would risk. Instead, we propose a three-storey library standing proudly next to the existing barracks of the same size. We believe that the new library and park should offer a sheltered place to meet outdoors, because our societies should offer such places dedicated to the free use of their citizens. We think that as many trees as possible should be saved. And we believe that this new library should restructure Hibernia Street, a thankless task that has fallen to the fire station alone for far too long.
Our proposal is for a library that lifts books into the air, takes up less space in the park and creates clear sightlines in many directions. It's a library that embraces the existing building, protecting it on two sides. It's a library that distributes public and active parts at ground level, a long, continuous, fluid and flexible threshold that becomes one with the surrounding park. It's a library that integrates with the trees, the barracks and structures Hibernia Street - three in one! - while maintaining, thanks to the elevation of the point, the freedom to access the park quickly from the Centre Saint-Charles and the schools to the north and east. We recognize that this library is destined to be the heart of the park. We have anchored it in a world of greenery. Full-height transparent glazing on the first floor, the conservation and enhancement of existing trees, the addition of a few new species and the planting of bio-retention ditches all enrich the visitor experience. Whether outside or inside the library, they feel immersed in the park's biodiversity.
(From competitor's text)
(Unofficial automated translation)
Arguments in favor of the service
- This team has clearly understood the vision and values sought for this project. The proposal presents a unifying, attractive project with a beautiful, citizen-sensitive approach.
- The conceptual approach is logical and honest, resulting in a proposal that truly contributes to improving citizens' quality of life.
- The small footprint in the park and the preservation of the trees are appreciated.
- Access to the park from the Centre récréatif St-Charles demonstrates an understanding of the area's dynamics.
- The public spaces on the first floor, combined with the outdoor agora, give the site a significant gathering power.
- The positioning of the multi-purpose hall in the front part of the barracks is appreciated, even if it does not meet with consensus.
- The spatial organization demonstrates a good mastery of library functions and represents the best proposal for this purpose.
- The only proposal to ensure that the barracks will meet seismic standards, allowing for flexibility and sustainability.
- The measures applied to ensure sustainable development and ecological transition are convincing.
- LEED certification targets are largely met.
- Overall, the project's budgetary feasibility has been demonstrated.
Arguments against the project
- The relationship to the ground is important for a public building, but here it is minimal.
- Although there is a dialogue between the fire station and its extension, respect for heritage is not demonstrated due to the very dominant volumetry and expression of the new construction.
- The fire station is barely visible from certain angles of approach, notably from Rue Grand Trunk.
- Circulation in the reception area is tight, due to the positioning of the staircase and elevator. This makes it difficult to accommodate groups.
- The volumetry of the whole and the cantilevered floors create a large amount of thermal envelope.
Jury's reservations
- The architectural expression of the extension provoked strong reactions, both positive and negative, but far from indifferent.
- According to some members of the jury, the contrasting enhancement of the barracks is successful in terms of its massing, but not in terms of its composition and materiality.
- The choice of exterior cladding materials, particularly the metallic grey color, is questionable.
- The sheltered outdoor agora could become a safety issue.
- The positioning and installation technique of the work of art, Le Labyrinthe de la Solidarité, on a glass wall remains a question mark.
- Although the PFT requested it on the park side, and thus respected this proposal, the café's location on rue Hibernia could encourage its frequentation.
- The exposed floor on the first floor will require greater effort and cost to ensure user comfort.
- The budget for heating and air-conditioning systems seems low.
- Questions remain about the use of metal cladding, which is an economical choice. This choice could represent a compromise to allow for other costly design decisions.
(From jury report)
(Unofficial automated translation)
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