During the early time in Gouzhuang Village in Qamdo Prefecture east side of Tibet, travelling merchants rest at night, cook dinner and dance around the fire to relax. Ever since, it has been a tradition for Tibetans to dance around a bonfire. Nowadays, the tradition is exercised during festivals. Men and women form a circle HAND-IN-HAND while circling around the fire. Song is slow at first and gradually speeds up until it ends.
Hand-in-hand concept- the three modules used in the design are the participants in a bonfire dance. The modules are interlocked or overlapped with each other, which we can tell doing the hand-in-hand position of the dance. The fire is the epicenter and the focus of the dance. The glass pyramidal structure in the middle of the structure allows light to penetrate the entire building during the morning and lights up at night using artificial lights inside.
The Song (and the dance)- the song gradually speeds up during the entire performance. The difference of height of the three modules represents the escalation of dance rhythm. Also, the structures point at each other's ends which gives an impression of doing a dance, circling around.
The structure incorporated three modules in 4.6 meters (W) X 15.8 meters (L) X 4.2 meters (H). 2 modules are allotted for the washrooms and other auxiliary spaces and the other one including the formel space in the middle-, which is occupied by the atrium-, is mainly for multi-purpose area. The corridor of the building faces the atrium. This way natural lighting through clerestory and corridor windows is maximized around the area reaching each corner of the interior. Movable partitions are used for the multipurpose area to allow flexibility.
Going to the exterior, the trellis serves not only a path guide towards the building but also to break the sun's rays minimizing glare. Bike shed is located at the west side of the building for bike users. There would not be, as much as possible, site disruption especially derailing trees. Trees are considered as part of the overall design process.
(From competitor's text)
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