The new public space is envisioned as a "farm" consisting of rows of various vegetables and plants. Thus, the end of the city approach becomes a piece of the rural. The farm would provide an interesting landscaped segment to the already eclectic park, relate to Edmonton as a whole, provide gardening activities for people, and attract the public to wander through the crop rows. It is expected that this could support a community gardening program and bring together people of all ages to participate. Vegetables grown in the "farm" could be used to prepare food for the cafe, making it an innovative dining experience that would attract the public to the park.
Terminating the east/west axis, is a newly created north/south axis informed by the building and surrounding landscape design. The result is a stronger connection to the segment of the park to the north, which is already programmed as recreation space (wading pool, playground), and also the segment of the park directly south, which is unprogrammed and maintained as a flexible segment for picnicking and various activities. By supporting these existing park segments to the north and south the new axis strengthens a connection to the city.
Building off this connection to the city, the design draws people in from all directions, through the axis described above, but also through its clarity of public space, that of a room which sits delicately in the park. The long low form sited to the very north of the bounding box perimeter maximizes the exterior space to the south of it for the farm, white addressing the formal approach from the west. The form is broken up into 5 equal segments in which one is "missing" apart from a concrete ground surface. The two "service" parts of the programme bookend the public space (cafe/multipurpose/warm up) between. This allows for the washrooms to operate independently of the rest of the building. It also improves circulation from the north and south and allows the cafe to spill outside into this patio space in the summer. Circulation space was kept to an absolute minimum, maximizing the programmed space, white allowing the total gross area to be considerably under. This approach makes efficient use of space from an environmental and economical standpoint.
The building is economical due to its simple form, and use of materials. Although programmed space areas are at, or above the requirements the total gross area is well under, due to efficient circulation. The idea of creating a landscaped farm is also economical as it embraces the act of growing straight from soil and seeds.
(From competitor's text)
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- Photograph of Model
- Photograph of Model
- Photograph of Model