PARC DOMaINO: Thinking ln and Out of the Box
The Domino Concept
A mathematical tiling of joining two squares to form a rectangular shape inspired the formation of space design. The module is in 1:2 ratio which carries the space dictated by a 5 meters by 10 meters rectangle. This file shall be done through the construction method of modular system.
How the game domino is played is how the planning was influenced. Through nesting, and as the game mechanics dictate, the domino tiles are patterned through interconnection. Patterns of end-to-end, side-by-side and side-to-¬end are adapted to formulate the floor footprint.
The Domino Effect
The tiles, angled, scattered but defined and creates a romantic effect. This effect is the evolution or the recreation of domino patterns.
Flexibility is very much important in building structures. Lesser problems shall be brought up when future is well thought of. The inter-connection of the modules solves the issue of expansion and alteration. Modules can be easily pulled out from the site if desired and can be added up if more space is needed. The ease of changing is cost-efficient and energy-saving.
Domain (Territory)
City-owned but served for the public. The public is the target users thus letting them experience and celebrate what the city serves them. Also partly-owned by private sectors, their space is zoned in such a way that some areas can be accessed and some are off limits.
The Torch (core)
The torch is the life of sports and the symbol of athleticism. It is the icon that every sportsman look up to especially during the Olympic Games. The park, not only a recreation space, is a medium for people to discover sports activities and the torch is a reminder of playing hard but fair.
A Social Hub (shell)
A space would not be well-defined without any sense of definition. A shelter is a way to provide a space which people are free to interact and socialize without worrying of some forces of nature. Thus, the shelter will be the centre of building good relations.
(From competitor's text)
16 scanned / 11 viewable
- Presentation Panel
- Presentation Panel
- Perspective
- Plan
- Plan
- Plan
- Elevation
- Elevation
- Elevation
- Schema
- Schema