Born of fire, in preparation for a winter nestled on the icy banks of the Assiniboine River, snapCRACKLEpop is an elemental act of architecture. Harnessing earth, wind, fire, and water, this warming hut engenders a moment of pause in the journey of its visitors. Conceived as a response to the quiet stillness of a new fallen snow, the Warming Hut offers an environment that is activated by the swirling winds around it. Bales of tall grasses, reeds, and bamboo are embedded in a structural frame that allows each blade to rustle against its neighbors resulting in a constant "whoosh" and "crackle" that serves as both an audible measure of the weather conditions outside and as protection from them. In counterpoint, the remainder of the Hut is constructed of white pine lumber set afire during fabrication. The flame-kissed edges of each board provide natural resistance to the elements and a softening of exterior noise by this elemental act of burning.
(From competitor's text)
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