The warming hut is designed to offer skaters and visitors quick and easy access to and from a resting place. Accessibility both physically and visually are paramount. The form unravels to greet, contracts to protect, then unravels to release.
I better be quick, I forgot to send off that email. Wow, I thought I could skate this in one breaks. At least l'm out here working on this belly. What's that spiral thingy?
Nice! Comfy seats...Let me loosen these laces for a bit. "Hey how's it going?"..."Ah-ha, true...Take it easy". I shouldn't rest too long or l'll falI asleep. Sushi for dinner?
Ok now, which way. Back to the car? It's nice out...guess 1'11 push through. The entry to this thing looks like the exit. That doesn't look familiar...I'11 head that way.
(From competitor's text)
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