The concept for the proposed Mill Wood Sports Park Pavilion is to create a facility that takes advantage of existing infrastructure, appropriately interacts and connects to the existing park, nature, and the community. Overall, it is the intention that the proposed park pavilion concept provides an interactive, functional, cost effective; community space, play space, and gathering space that enhances the recreational experience, reflects a commitment to nature and sustainability and creates an enhanced focus for the Mill Wood Sports Park.
The siting concept for the new proposed facility orients the new facility on the existing street access, and parking structure. This orientation maintains and reinforces the existing infrastructure accessed off of Avenue, takes advantage of existing movement patterns, and reinforces the familiarity with access onto the site. The new facility also reaches back towards the road to the north, a popular parking location, enhancing a visual and physical connect from the north side of the site, to the new facility. The orientation of the facility to Avenue provides a strong focus for the front of the new facility, creating a highly visible beacon for the park from a major thoroughfare in the City.
The building concept for the new Mill Wood Sports Park Pavilion focuses on the facility being an intervention or upheaval from the plane of the existing adjacent playing fields. The green roof promenade reflects the plane of the park being lifted exposing a variety of elements and forms. The other green roofs and forms also reflect an upheaval on the site. Within the proposed form of the facility, the minimum program and phasing options are appropriately achieved. Sustainability concepts proposed for the facility will meet or exceed the LEED0 Silver certification level. The concept for landscaping reinforces the disturbance and the intervention of the playing field plane with elevation changes and planting while enhancing the focus on the entry and access to the facility. Vines proposed on cables attached in front of glazing act as a shading device and reflect an exposed root system.
(From competitor's text)
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