The form of the building, like similor rectangular block solutions, fails to complement the area; instead it seems just to sit in the centre with little relation to the other buildings and spaces. It tries to establish a N-S axis from the north, but the access ramp-bridge is a bit tricky; it does not lend itself ta ceremonial and festive occasions. The double podium has complicated the scheme and results in unfortunate vertical proportions. A single podium would have been better. The service entrance is unfortunately placed in front of the north
Internal Planning:
Generally the areas are well organized and well related, although their development is somewhat sketchy. The poorly lit, depressed basement was criticized. The suggested expansion appears to be excessive.
The original presentation hod great potentialities in the development of its rich tan-gold, bronze and white facade treatment. The present black and grey facade has lost in quality and character. The relative vertical proportions of podium to colonnaded space to upper floors is not altogether sucsessful.
Rather unimaginative. The Final Stage treatment of the Legislative area has lost the quality it had in the preliminary submission. The Council Chamber is rather dull.
Adequate, economical. The form and shape would make for ease of maintenance and low first cost.
Over-all Concept:
Rather disappointing in its redevelopment. Although it has a certain degree of competence in terms of a weil organized plan with some fine internai features, it falls short in terms of a building which will represent civic gavernment to the people.
(From jury report)
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- Plan
- Plan
- Plan
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- Sketch
- Sketch
- Sketch
- Photograph of Model