Public spaces have a direct relation to urban mobility, different temporalities and present groups of people that are in these feeding vectors of sociability and urbanity. The ex-pansion of the urban design field into architecture and art brings complexity, different percep¬tions and uses. So, the proposal goal is to offer an installation that mixes with urban design through surfaces that conform versatile spaces providing free interactions between people and place.
The project begins from the convergence between urban factors idealized by the group for the site and the spacetime theory. As an artifice to improve thermal comfort, the idea is to take advantage of the public surfaces for planting and to offer a face for cultivating to minimize the problem of islands of heat that this place presents. In physics, spa¬cetime is a coordinate system that relates time to three-dimensional space which, together, design four dimensions. In the same way that width, depth and height (dimensions of space) are interconnected, there is no way to separate the space from time. There is nothing in spa¬ce that also has no existence in time, just as nothing could have happened in time that has not been somewhere in space. A point in spacetime is an event that presents the location and time that the same occurred, occurs or will occur. Events are the points in space time and are defined by four numbers where one of them is the speed of light that can be considered the speed that an observer moves into the time. If time is relative, space can be the same because the notion we have of them comes from experiences and sensations. It is possible to size spa¬ce and measure time from its parameters such as distances and events, respectively. With the association of time and space there is the concept of infinity. Therefore, there are no equal perceptions because everything depends on the referential that is taken. And it is in this spa¬cetime continuum that the events of the most distinct species occur.
This concept was applied to the proposal for the competition by inviting people to become events that spread across the urban space, while they can interact with the per-ception of infinity from the relation between the speed of light and reflection present in the proposed light panel. The chosen place was essential because it concentrates two bus stops and one exit of the Langelier subway station. Therefore, it brings and carries a larger contingent of people from different points of the city in several daily times.
(From competitor's text)
A system that relies as much on technology as on the game. The jury appreciated how the proposal takes the whole site by intervening on the interstices. The explicit and voluntary consideration of the constraints of universal access was emphasized as a remarkable approach.
(From jury report)
6 scanned / 6 viewable
- Text
- Presentation Panel
- Perspective
- Perspective
- Axonometric Drawing
- Text