We work with nature from two parallel approaches: biodiversity and biomimímesis.
Let us strengthen biodiversity and design from natural processes, ecosystems and processes to create a deeper relationship between architecture, nature and society.
We understand biodiversity as the construction of colonizable systems that strengthen the ecosystems in which they are integrated.
The concrete skin of the Brainstorming elBulliFoundation pavilion is a living envelope that integrates the structure with vegetation. For the design of this skin, we have used the advice of experts in hydroponics at the global level.
In the inhabited net of the "Barcelona Zoo Pedestrian Bridge", where visitors move inside the animal habitat, our interest in enhancing biodiversity is to integrate a network of bird nests while seasonal behaviors are tracked using environmental sensors based on Arduino technology which enhances the sensory experience of natural events for the visitor submerged in the Zoo: Sounds , butterfly aviary, ant farm, tactile contacts with animal tracks, use of Animatronix. The walkway is designed as a strip of biomes and ensures interaction with users
We understand biomimicry as learning from nature. Designing from the deep understanding of natural behaviors. It is a multi-level work in which geometry, environment, structure and material overlap.
The "Empathic Tree of Brest" compromised with the use of new technological developments and the performative dimension of architecture, is a more literal approach to this concept: the metallic structure simulates the natural branching hierarchy, the vegetation colonizes and integrates the information and knowledge technology, enriching the urban environment of Brest with biodiversity.
"The Wave" in San Sebastian is an approach to the nature of particles from fluid dynamics processes to generate geometry.
The west facade of the "Media-TIC" building was also designed with biomimicry in mind, developing the technology to generate a cloud from ETFE cushions that performs according to the passage of time and changing environmental conditions.
(From competitor's text)
(Unofficial automated translation)
- The jury recognizes the strength of the image of the cloud but deplores the lack of a common thread for the entire Biodome; the reading of the new Biodome is ambiguous.
- This concept proposes a zoo, a museum and an exhibition space at the same time.
- The approach is courageous and visionary but the risk is too high; the reflection on the evolution of the zoological garden is very relevant but requires a complete reprogramming of the Biodôme, which is unrealistic.
- The intention of revealing the backstage, from the cloud, directs the view on an omnipresent mechanics instead of the vault of the Velodrome; the intention answers the program but the solution creates the opposite effect to the intended object. The complete redesign of the mechanics challenges the budget and continued operations.
- The cloud concept opens up avenues of innovation but does not offer concrete solutions, neither in terms of experience, nor in terms of technology, nor in terms of urban planning.
- In the absence of the cloud, the concept fades away, without a common thread and without renewal.
(From jury report)
(Unofficial automated translation)
21 scanned / 21 viewable
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- Perspective
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- Axonometric Drawing
- Axonometric Drawing
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- Schema
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