Ten new competitions archived in the Canadian Competitions Catalogue!
In addition to two recent competitions of 2019, you can discover a historical competition of 1936 and three of the 1980s :
Missing Middle (Edmonton) 2019, Entre l'école et la ville (Montréal) 2019, Market Lands Design Competition (Winnipeg) 2018, Résidences Est-Nord-Est (Saint-Jean-Port-Joli) 2016, Place Eugène-Lapierre (Montréal) 2003, Yukon Green Building Design Competition (White Horse) 2002, Cité Internationale (Montréal) 1990, Carnegie Library (Toronto) 1985, New Vancouver Special (Vancouver) 1984, Dominion Housing Act (Vancouver) 1936.
The Dominion Housing Act Architectural Competition, open to architects in Canada, was held for the purpose of securing designs for low-cost houses. The program required that each house should have at least three bedrooms and that the total volume of the house should not exceed 17,000 cubic feet. The house was designed for the home average Canadian family and was to conform with the Dominion Housing Act Minimum Standards of Construction.
(From official publication)
Awards in competition organised by Dominion Minister of Finance for a minimum cost house eligible to be financed under the Dominion Housing Act
Art and Architecture in Canada : A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature to 1981, Part 1 & 2
Dominion housing act, 1935, architectural competition; with winning designs, Architectural Forum, 1936
Department of Finance, Dominion housing act architectural competition: low-cost house designs., 1936, Ottawa
The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, on May 9, 1936 · Page 32, Newspapers.com
Mathers, A. S., Dominion housing competition, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Journal, 1938
Wade, Jill, Houses for All: The Struggle for Social Housing in Vancouver, 1919-50, 1994
I.R.A.C, Awards in Dominion Housing Act Small House competition, 1936, Toronto
Belec, John, The Dominion Housing Ac, Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine
Haight, Susan, Machines in Suburban Gardens: The 1936 T. Eaton Company Architectural Competition For House Designs, Material Culture Review / Revue de la culture matérielle, 1996