The Métamorphoses créatives for the Montmorency sector is a multidisciplinary design competition aimed at developing a guideline book for the narrative and visual concept of the Montmorency sector of downtown Laval, including the plans and estimates for a first intervention.
A cultural vision for the Montmorency sector, entitled Métamorphoses créatives, was developed by the City and partners from the cultural and educational communities in order to provide the sector with a unique signature, affirming the sense of belonging that Laval residents have for their city and contributing to its extra-mural appeal. The sector aspired to be more than a place of transit, but rather a neighbourhood where residents, students, workers and visitors take an active part in the development of a lively and attractive neighbourhood, a stimulating living and business environment.
Through the implementation of this competition, the City sought to visually materialize the vision Métamorphoses créatives in order to translate it into clear intervention principles to create a strong, exclusive and contemporary signature that would enhance the human and creative experience. The narrative and visual concept presented had to define the atmosphere of the spaces and be easily adaptable over the next few years.
The size of the area under consideration meant that the interventions had to be modulated on different scales. For example, the creation of sub-areas was sought in order to create environments offering a variety of experiences: attending a large-scale cultural event, window-shopping, relaxing in the great outdoors, strolling, enjoying meeting spaces, contemplating a work of art, etc. Despite this modulation, a coherence of formal languages was expected in order to create an environment with distinctive and easily recognizable characteristics.
(From competition program)
(Unofficial automated translation)
In response to the applications:
- The jury notes that few applications demonstrated a strong synergy between the designers and the arts professional. Although this is not a public art competition, the jury will want to understand in Step 2 how the artist fits into the process. In this sense, the jury expects a strong and articulate narrative that builds on the Creative Metamorphoses for the second stage of the competition.
- The jury mentions that one of the challenges of the project will be to determine the first intervention that will be deployed on the territory, depending on the available budget. The intervention, the series of interventions or the fragment of intervention chosen will have to make a mark while being representative enough of the overall concept. This first intervention must be the beginning of a promising and inspiring gesture, of an identity announcing a distinct future downtown.
- Some teams have included manufacturers in their team, which is an asset when drawing up the plans and specifications. However, the jury wants to make sure that the teams understand that Ville de Laval will call for tenders for the fabrication and installation of the first intervention.
The evaluation criteria for the projects are as follows:
- Quality of the proposal :
Strength and relevance of the narrative; artistic sensitivity; anchoring to the Creative Metamorphoses, Urban Nature/Island of Diversity visions; singularity in the proposal for the City of Laval and differentiation from other major cities.
- Formal qualities :
Quality of the overall concept; integration with the built and landscaped environment; right scale ratio; aesthetic durability.
- Experiential and perceptual qualities:
Quality of ambience and experiences proposed for all users; comfort of the space.
- Social and cultural qualities :
Potential for appropriation of places; potential for interaction for residents, students, workers, visitors, and the cultural and institutional community.
- Functional qualities :
Safety on the public realm; perceived effectiveness of solutions for first and subsequent interventions (ease of fabrication and installation); perceived durability in all seasons.
- Feasibility :
Likelihood of fully meeting Project limitations with respect to allocated resources (human and budget), established timelines, and site constraints.
(From jury report)
(Unofficial automated translation)
Conscience Urbaine, Collectif Escargo, Petrone Architecture, Studio l’Escabeau (Winner)
Sans façon, Architecturama, Balistique, Amery Calvelli et Claude Gosselin (Mention)
Vlan Paysages, Raphaëlle de Groot, ADHOC Architectes, CS Design
Sid Lee Architecture, MASSIVart
Jury president |
Ayana S. M. O'Shun, Scénariste et Réalisateur(trice)
Jury | Djemila Hadj-Hamou |
| Josée Labelle, Architecte paysagiste |
| Melissa Mongiat, Designer |
| Emmanuelle Waters, Régisseur.e |
Stage 1: Application Forms
Publication of the call for applications, documents available online on SEAO: March 27, 2019
Question and answer period: April 17 to May 14, 2019
Submission of addenda: May 17, 2019
Submission of applications: May 31, 2019, noon
Jury session: June 13 to 17, 2019.
Disclosure of finalists to candidates: June 18, 2019
Announcement of finalists: End of June 2019
Stage 2: Submissions
Mandatory information meeting for the finalists: June 20, 2019
Question and answer period: June 20 to August 19, 2019
Submission of addenda: August 22, 2019
Submission of deposits: September 5, 2019, noon
Audition of the finalists and jury session: September 12 and 13, 2019
Announcement of the Winner: October 2019
(From competition brief)
Dévoilement des quatre finalistes du concours de design pour le secteur Montmorency, Kollectif, 2019
L’audition des finalistes du concours de design Métamorphoses créatives devant un jury
Concours de design Métamorphoses créatives
Métamorphoses créatives: Audition des finalistes du concours de design, Signé Laval
Rouleau, Jonathan, Métamorphoses créatives : la culture au cœur du secteur Montmorency | Magazine, 2019
Le concours de design pluridisciplinaire a révélé les lauréats et le coeur de leur projet, L'Écho de Trois-Rivières, 2019
Laval mise sur la culture pour transformer son centre-ville, TVA Nouvelles, 2019
Secteur Montmorency : Laval en mode métamorphose, Voir vert - Le portail du bâtiment durable au Québec, 2019
Plan du développement culturel de la région de Laval 2019-2033
Laval - Conscience urbaine, Collectif Escargo et Petrone Architecture remportent le Concours de design pluridisciplinaire Métamorphoses créatives pour le centre-ville de Laval, RIMQ
Dévoilement des lauréats du concours de design pour le secteur Montmorency, Kollectif, 2019
Conscience urbaine, Collectif Escargo et Petrone Architecture remportent le Concours de design pluridisciplinaire Métamorphoses créatives pour le centre-ville de Laval, 2019
- Programme
- Règlement
- Rapport du jury (global)