230 competitions documented 469 competitions listed
6 049 projects 61 987 documents
Educational buildings | Building | School

Concours provincial d'architecture pour écoles primaires / Provincial Architectural Competition for Elementary Schools

Stage 1
Jean Michaud
Fish, Melamed, Croft & Grainger
Longpre, Marchand, Goudreau, Dobush, Stewart, Bourke
St-Gelais, Tremblay & Tremblay
Longpre, Marchand, Goudreau, Dobush, Stewart, Bourke
Bland, Lemoyne, Edwards, Shine
St-Gelais, Tremblay & Tremblay
Ouellet, Reeves, Guite, Alain
Maurice Gauthier
Jean-Marie Roy
David, Barott, Boulva
Donaldson, Drummond, Sankey
Melvin Charney
Rosen, Caruso, Vecsei
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