231 competitions documented 470 competitions listed
6 059 projects 62 142 documents
Architecture for culture, research, sport or leisure |

Cabin Design Challenge / Concours d'aménagement de cabanes

Stage 1
Nathan Fisher (Winner)
Belle Stone & Jeffrey Sullivan (Second Prize)
Kyle Schumann & Katie MacDonald (Special merit award)
Alice Dupin & Marion Filliatre (People's Choice Award)
Alex Gormley
Anjali Grant
Kenneth Ip
Ernesto Di Giorgio & Giuseppe Di Pasqua
Cristina Gil & Sandra Gil & David Rubio Tintoré
Keith Chung & Anna Misharina
Wayne Fowler & Lauren Antworth
Leland Wong-Daugherty & Wayne Michael Groszko
Joseph Lippe
Trish King & David King
John Marshall
Alexander Krol & Hendrik Verlinden
Andrew Dowling
Dominic Watson Wall
Jack Choi & Choi Sze Ho
Lindsay Butler
Stefania Tragni & Valeria Chirico & Nicola Bellentani
Carson Isenor
Tadashi Saito
Alessandro Cascone & Luca Preziosa
Michael Zabinski & Emily Campbell
Jason Juurlink
Mark Chilton
Nicholas Standeven
Carolina Naranjo
Gabriel Aaron Nolle
Kyle Reckling & Kevin Jele
Karolina Dobkowska
Spencer W. Anderson & Trey Buretz
Angela Ng & Ryan Lo
Nizar Neruda
Justin Spec & Kyle Tousant
Christopher Moise & Justin Spec & Lisa Macdonald & David Becker & Nader Alkadri
Cyndy Alfaro
Petre Milena & Poenariu Lulia
Jacob Mans & Nicholas Sillies
Robert James Hughes
Guilhem Lamour
Philip T. Zhang
Jean C. I. Wang
Jonathan Balderrama
Greg Broerman & Obinna Elechi
Natalia Cymerman & Wladyslawa Kijewska
Jason Orbe-Smith
One Corner Architects
Katsuya Arai & Akiko Suzuki
Chris Friel & Ben Angus
Aaron Alexander-Stairs
Josh Collins
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.