231 competitions documented 470 competitions listed
6 073 projects 62 242 documents
Planning | Transport | District

Vieux-Port de Québec : Bassin Louise / Québec Old Port: Louise Basin

Stage 1
Rudy P. Friesen & Associates (Winner)
Charle Barrett (Second Prize)
Wallman Clewes Architects (Third Prize)
A.J. Diamond and Partners (Mention)
Belzile + Brassard + Galienne + Lavoie + Incesulu + Architectes associés (Mention)
Harald B. Ensslen (Mention)
Katz Webster Associates architects (Mention)
Lawrence E. Glazer (Mention)
Ovidio Sbrissa Architect (Mention)
Young & Wright Architects (Mention)
Artur Zajdler
Barry Pendergast + George Steber
Jaroslav Kalivoda
Mandy Cantle
Peter Walsh
Raines Finlayson Barrett & Partners
Thorkelsson Architects LTD.
Alan Woolf Architect
Dwight Thomas Atkinson
Roger Kemble
Brian Palmquist
Donald J. Nicolson
Garth Ramsey + Larry Adams
Juris Voldemars Bergins
Brian T. Atkins
Brown and Storey
Christopher Borgal
Clifford + Lawrie + Bolton + Ritchie
David Stickney
Dennis Warrilow
Dunker Associates
Ed Hoosen
Frank Alfred Hamilton
Harrison/Black Partnership
Heinz H. Vogt
J.K. Jooste
Jacek Vogel
Janos Szabo
Kleinfeldt + Mychajlowycz
Luigi F. Galassi
Mandel Sprachman
Manfred J. May
Martin Associates
Martin Liefhebber
Michael Brisson
Murray & Murray + Griffiths & Rankin
Neil Munro
Paul Reuber
Paul Tan Bibiana
Phillip H. Carter
Ralph Bergman
Robert Osler
Schlaepfer Associates
Takvor Hopyan/Sako S. Malekian
A. McG. Henderson
Les Architectes Bisson Poulin
Les Architectes Huot & Dupuis
Les Architectes Tétreault + Parent + Languenoc
Arcop Associé + A. Hoffmann
Cayouette et Saia
Chartrand + Frappier
De Montigny + Métivier + Gagnon + Soucy + Gauthier + Caouette
Desnoyers + Mercure + Schoenauer
Dorval & Fortin
Felice Vaccaro
Gauthier + Guité + Roy
Jean Côté et Associés
Luc Durand
Michael Fish
Michel Boivin
Régis Côté
René Bouchard + Miville Tremblay
Roger Bruno Richard
St-Gelais + Tremblay + Bélanger
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