A classic cathedral form incorporating Coptic tradition, excitingly interpreted in modern language, set in a composition of grand entry plaza and interior gardens.
The scheme is notable for its appropriate, modern re-interpretation of the language of form of traditional Coptic religious buildings. It has a logical and thoughtful deployment of the main program elements on the site. The Complex expresses the desired village character and Coptic spiritual values with the Cathedral location in the centre, yet subtly positioned and massed to be prominent and visible from Steeles Avenue, without actually being on it. The forecourt has an excellent sense of arrival.
The open spaces are generous and well arranged for housing occupants, as well as for school use, offering security and privacy. There is an interesting mixed pedestrian-vehicular access way across the site from east to west, serving the Cathedral entry as well as other functions. There is a good balance between a desired "village" character and pedestrian and vehicular permeability from the surrounding roads. In principle, the parking arrangement around the perimeter permits the Cathedral to be built first with surface parking, which can be later replaced (with further additions) below grade. Green roofs contribute to increasing the bio-mass of the City and insulating against heat loss.
Weaknesses or modifications needed:
The half "dome" at the east end of the Cathedral is not explicit enough, and should be reworked as a geometrically stronger dome element. The proposition of natural light for the Cathedral through a glazed vaulted roof is an innovative and exciting one, but may be problematic relative to heat gain, snow load and leakage. It need not be all glass. The phasing is underdeveloped, but could be workable given further study. The Sunday School seems poorly located. The required separately leasable office building component is missing. The Cathedral is unnecessarily large in plan area. The Baptistry location should be reconsidered. The Church Hall may need greater functional separation from the Nave. The elevation treatment is spotty; it is well-developed for the institutional elements, but awkward for housing and "administration."
(From jury comments)
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