This team demonstrates a fundamental understanding of the spirit of a public square
"The design of the various buildings and the resulting spaces are sensitive, even if the scale seems timid and the atmosphere created is unduly monastic and withdrawn."
While it is laudable and in the human interest to separate pedestrian spaces from those intended for vehicles, it seems at least necessary to meet the City's ambitions for dynamic growth.
It seems that these qualities, in the right balance, can be understood and preserved by this team.
"While the layout of the complex is inspired by qualities of heart and mind, the architecture of City Hall leaves much to be desired."
The scale of the building is rather small and does not take into account the eventual size of the City or the buildings that will be part of its center. The interdependence of certain functions has not always been understood.
"The design of the interior spaces is based on a very conscientious study of the various functions, but the architecture of these spaces is dull, uninspired and unimaginative."
"If the treatment of the architectural elements needs more study, it seems that the inclination of this competitor toward the search for form, may lead him, it is hoped, to an architecture indigenous in its quality, dignity and originality."
(From jury report)
(Unofficial automated translation)
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