It is felt that the Vancouver Special can pass from the realm of "building" into that of "architecture" without compromising its efficiency, popularity or value. Furthermore, a contemporary look can be found that will be neither literal historicism nor formy modernism, but a sensitive and lowkey elegance. This scheme has been directed towards adding sophistication, permanence and neighbourliness to the more prosaic qualities of the Special.
A number of design devices have been employed to add an architectural urbanistic richness to the basic typology. A faceted street façade, a play of volumes, an L-shaped plan, side window treatment and an optional additional peak guard have been combined with modest and carefully located ornament and detail. The sensibility which has prompted all the details - an overscale corner column, the memory of gable roofs, and brightly coloured wooden windows - is one of abstracted historicism, the implication rather than the replication of traditional approaches to the housing in Vancouver.
(From official publication)
3 scanned / 3 viewable
- Elevation
- Axonometric Drawing
- Statistic data