Newton urban village character
This is a walkable urban village with a small ecological footprint. Its distinct areas are tied together by a pedestrian Greenway connecting a series of small colorful public squares lined with shops, cafes and public art, all flowing into the Main Square. The Greenway links components of the urban village starting with Gateway buildings at 72nd and King George Highway and proceeding toward The Civic Arts Square containing the iconic Newton Library and the New Community Centre. The Transportation Hub and Ice Arena are located mid-point along the Greenway and connect directly to the Main Square. Greenway surfaces are natural textures with native and adapted plants forming the landscape. This permeable surface allows rainwater to absorb into the ground or be collected in natural runoff streams and ponds. The street edges are formed by a commercial streetwall with a mix of office and housing above. 70th becomes walkable Main Street with a double row of trees and mixed vehicle surface parking, drop off zones and shops. The south streetscape edge is formed by townhouse doors with a parking entry. The east edge connects into the existing shopping and provides entry into the Civic Square.
Newton urban village housing
This mix of housing types establishes a framework for a vibrant, aesthetically appealing community with a strong sense of place and direct access to a wide range of transportation choices including: public transit, cycling, walking and private vehicles. The housing is designed to be socially and economically diverse and provide affordable housing options including a component of dedicated rental suites. People live here, work here and enjoy the many amenities in the area. The design establishes a complete sustainable community set in a green environment that uses ground level retail with mixed use and housing above as a primary building type. The buildings are of mixed use to provide a distinctly urban location and present a showcase of progressive design, social and sustainability approaches. The Gateway buildings located at Newton's main intersection of King George and 72nd signal the start of an integrated, pedestrian-oriented environment that moves through the site. The Greenway and Main Public Plaza are lined with small shops, cafes, galleries, with housing above. Following the pedestrian Greenway the housing cascades down to lower scale building types on the south edge to provide windows and doors on the street.
(From competitor's text)
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