Community Catalist
Community gardens have proven hugely successful in fostering neighbourhood exchanges and building a sense of community.
"On May 30, 2006, Vancouver City Councillors issued a challenge to individuals, families, community groups and neighbourhood organizations to establish more foodproducing gardens in Vancouver. The challenge was a motion calling for the City to work with the Vancouver Food Policy Council to encourage the creation of 2010 new garden plots in the city by January 1, 2010, as an Olympic legacy."
- City of Vancouver
1. Social catalyst and community building
2. Sustainable food system
3. Food independence
4. Teaching tools
5. Safer places for kids to play
6. Connection with nature
7. Heat island effect reduction
8. Stormwater retention
9. Greywater reuse
10. Decrease pressure on existing infrastructure
11. Wildlife habitat creation
12. Composting program
Gardens hierarchy:
1. Neighbourhood in laneway
2. Community on rooftop of community centre
3. Communal greenhouses
4. Private in residential units' enclosed balconies
(From competitor's text)
12 scanned / 10 viewable
- Presentation Panel
- Presentation Panel
- Perspective
- Perspective
- Perspective
- Perspective
- Schema
- Schema
- Schema
- Schema