1. The Building clearly stands on its own within the Park as its Focal Point and destination. Pavilion's shape, is very simple play of geometric shapes with main focus on the stakeholder's uses. The public part of the Pavilion is set in a smaller cube accessible either through the main entrance or directly from outside through its own vestibule. The main jest of the idea was to make this building "belong" to the stake holders" with the public use as a secondary but available at all times, however not dominating the principal use. Pavilion's simple design, stucco cladding in happy colours, with its glass cubes facing south, and roof gardens to top it all. The park users will be able to easily find the place and "navigate" its function clearly. The building is proportioned well and resulting from the sustainable design principles.
2. All functions within the building can be recognized right from the entrance. Stratifications of building parts is clear and without one impeding on the other.
3. The sustainability is met by Building orientation to the Sun by south facing triple glazed fenestration, and the additional outer glass skin at a distance from the fenestration to allow for façade venting or heat retaining measures.
4. The building and its site are designed as an object of art so the fine art needed to be part of the entire composition. The artwork area is along the wall leading to the entrance. It can accommodate seasonal ice sculpture or permanent sculpture.
(From competitor's text)
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