The proposed Snauqway project is a kilometre long passage-way built directly under the Burrard Bridge. It brings life to this neglected stretch of land situated in one of Vancouver's most desirable locations. It creates better access for pedestrians and cyclists between the west side of Vancouver and the downtown peninsula. In addition, the Snauqway incorporates the essentiel spirit of Vancouver's artistic, cultural and commercial communities; stimulating and linking development at both ends of the bridge.
The Snauqway is an interpretation of existing patterns, including the bermed approaches to an intended swingspan rail crossing under the bridge and the old Kitsilano trestle. The Burrard Bridge was built through the Kitsilano reserve and the area is still subject to native land claims. Snauq was a native village at the False Creek mouth on the Kitsilano side. The Snauqway is a missing link which will revive an undeveloped no-man's land, acknowledge the native presence and unite the English Bay and False Creek seascapes from Kitsilano to downtown Vancouver.
As Vancouver enters the new millenium, it will seek to redefine and rediscover its role as a great socio-cultural and economic centre. The Snauqway is an offering dedicated to the pleasure and convenience of people as pedestrians and cyclists. At ground level, the bridge becomes a grand colonnade defining the eastern edge of the piazza of English Bay and the western edge of the piazzetta of False Creek. An enfilade of civic rooms will shelter people along the way as well as provide generous covered play spaces. It will also serve as a viewing arcade to Vancouver's magnificent setting.
Creating the Snauqway will be a Sea-Change in the way we use and view our city and in how visitors will experience Vancouver's seascape. Is is the missing link between water and land, blue ways and greenways, boaters and pedestrians, Kitsilano and English Bay, the past and the future. The Snauqway will become a recognized symbol of Vancouver's celebration of active, healthy living.
(From official publication)
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