230 competitions documented 469 competitions listed
6 049 projects 61 987 documents
Planning | Districts | Housing

TOWNSHIFT Suburb into City / Cloverdale: Round Up

Stage 1
ph5 architecture inc. (First Prize)
Claudia Moreira / Hugo Moreira / Robert Tensen (Second Prize)
Jesse Ratcliffe / Robert Toth (Honourable mention)
Team 52
Carole Levesque; Todd Ashton
Fernando Donis
Kelly Wang, Jeff Wu
Rebecca Esau; Kevin Zhang; Laura Kozak
Mason Lampard
Sherwin Ruiz
M.Nedim Kutan; A.Cuneyt Sayin; Umur Olcay; Ovgun Turkmenler, Idil Mazmanoglu
Rosa Salcido; Brana Stanimirov; Shida Neshat; Aleksandra Stanar
David Kominek
Souman Barua
Eric Fiss
Shafik Alsbei; Branimir Todorov; Klain Tzachev; Deyan Yordanov; Daniel Zarev
Wojciech Grzybowicz; Yuri Afanasiev; Michael Jaszczewski; Nicole Collette
Peter de Hoog; Lynn Gordon-Findlay; Gigi An; Ryan Nelson
Allan Alomes; Gordon Nelson; Greg Andrews; Jim Ralph; Joe Larano; Paul Sukava; Robert Suica; Robert Whetter; Doretta Pintaric; Patrick Cotter
Ty & Kris Korte
Abdul Missaoui
Juho Niemi
Alicia Virani; Christopher Wilhelm
Anupam Jain; Aran Osborne
Felicisimo M. Macalino; Apollo R. Reverente
Greg Tull
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.