The party:
Opposition of masses, opposition of voids, half-tender, half-hard. From the river to the city: a network of belongings. The street of "medieval" reference.
The fountains:
Landmarks in the city. Public spaces. Places to contemplate, to wade. In winter, they are ice sculptures.
They generate the party, articulate the building and celebrate the presence of the City Hall.
The built environment:
Place Jacques-Cartier divides the old city in two by the rigidity of its form. The density of the old city, its scale, its grain will be established in continuity with the southern sector.
The scale of the streets:
Saint-Amable Street as a reference, they are narrow, busy, textured, human scale.
Market Building:
It reinstitutes the original energy of the place. It maintains the angle of the square with the street. Made of large canvas-covered spaces, it filters a harsh light and breathes a sweet smell of fruit.
The outdoor market:
It revitalizes Jacques-Cartier Square and establishes a new balance in its axiality.
The plateau :
Thus leveled, the site is conducive to skating in winter; improvised shows are held there during the summer.
The promontory :
One comes here to observe the ships in the distance. People sit here simply as spectators. Celebrate. It is a place of protest.
The Cartier Tower:
It is a "museum" of the river, of its navigation, of its history. It is an observatory on the city and the port.
(From specialized magazine)
(Unofficial automated translation)
Members of the jury responded positively to the strong reinforcement of Place Jacques-Cartier as the central focus of the entry.
While the building to building paving and pedestrian focus are positive features, the podium for the Nelson Monument and level market area need further consideration. The preserved archeological ruins and positive extension of Place Jacques-Cartier to the
river are noteworthy. The introduction of a tower at mid-block for orientation and observation was debated by the jury. The proposal maintains the perimeter of the entire block with well scaled entrances to the museums, mixed use functions and through block connections. The axial relationship of block entrances to surrounding streets, views and the entrance to the Hôtel de Ville are well conceived.
The proposed museum with a market on the roof contains the corner of Place Jacques-Cartier and Notre-Dame with a modest building, but jury questioned the use of a tension structure at this location.
The level of the courtyard at the Museum de Ramezay and its access stairs for the Le Royer street are not successful. The blocking of windows by the courtyard was noted by the jury but not considered central to this design.
The sense of a festival place with commercial activity as its generator was questioned by some jurors and its appropriateness should be debated further.
(From jury report)
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