The Jury was intrigued and impressed by the highly imaginative and original concept of this design. It had strong sculptural qualities, a powerful landscape image and identity from the distance. The superb light modulation by day and night, the conscientious resolution of its technological aspects, the flexibility of space and form and the alternate choices provided by the systems approach were superb.
The Stage Il design shows an advance upon Stage I. The competitor had focused ail his effort on the develop¬ment of a modular, flexible unit system, using ail-Canadian materials (lumber and aluminum), based on 4 ft. Diameter aluminum light pipe in a roughly triangular grid unit module. The design was most efficiently resolved technologically and demon¬strated methods of construction, erection, finishing and servicing to provide a wide range of mechanical and electrical equipment from floor to ceiling. It demonstrated quite convincingly the use of the system for exhibition purposes and the interesting qualitative possibilities of the result. If this system were accepted by the designers a complete integration of building and exhibit could be achieved.
Internal circulation and exhibition areas were effectively arranged, activity areas well located and the design provided a very good exhibit vehicle within the limitations of the system which, although admirable, is nevertheless ail-powerful and imposes limitations on design options because of insistent constantsize circular elements. The system would have to be used as the exhibition itself or run the risk of becoming redundant.
With further study and development the exhibit could be simplified and, with corresponding reduction in cost as shown, the design could be realised within the budget limitations.
The site development as shown restricts the public circulation to the periphery outside the site with only one point of entry. There are not enough alternative ways to enter, although the wall pro-file suggests by its design all kinds of places by which the public could enter.
(From competition documentation)
23 scanned / 9 viewable
- Perspective
- Photograph of Model
- Plan
- Plan
- Plan
- Section
- Section
- Section
- Elevation